
Navigating Disagreements with Your Spouse

September 29th, 2022

Navigating disagreements with your spouse is a skill that will serve you well in your marriage, and in life. No relationship is without conflict. There are bound to be issues that you and your spouse do not agree on, and that’s okay. The important thing is to be able to discuss your disagreements and find a compromise that works for both of you so that it doesn’t ruin your marriage. It’s imperative to always be respectful when disagreeing with your spouse. Be empathetic and try to keep an open mind. Seek a middle ground between your two viewpoints so that you can find a compromise that works for you both. And finally, don’t ignore the conflict and hope that it will simply go away. Instead, address it and get support if you need it to move forward with your relationship. By learning to navigate conflict resolution, you’ll make your marriage stronger in the end.

Be Respectful

When navigating disagreements with your spouse, or with anybody, it’s important to always be respectful. Getting angry, shouting, or resorting to insults doesn’t make your case for you. Instead, it’s likely to make your partner dig in their heels even more. No matter how much you disagree, you should be able to treat one another with kindness. If you feel like things are getting too heated, take a break and wait until you’ve cooled down to continue the talk.

Be Empathetic

It’s also helpful to be empathetic with navigating disagreements with your spouse. Try to see where they are coming from. Put yourself in their shoes. So often when people argue, they are just thinking about the next thing they’re going to say and not actually listening to their opponent. Be a good listener, and try to keep an open mind to understand why your partner feels the way that they do about the subject.

Seek a Middle Ground

Anybody that deals with conflict resolution will tell you that navigating disagreements with your spouse successfully comes down to compromise. Compromise means finding a middle ground that you both can live with. It might not be perfect for either of you, but it lets you put the issue to bed. Try to think of ways that you and your partner might be able to meet in the middle about your disagreement, even if it means swallowing your pride.

Don’t Ignore It

Finally, when navigating disagreements with your spouse, don’t ignore them. Conflicts are not just going to suddenly disappear if you refuse to address them. Instead, they’ll probably begin to loom larger and larger in your marriage until they become hot-button issues that cause intense arguments. If you are struggling to find a resolution, seek outside help. A marriage counselor can be a great tool to use to help you navigate conflict and learn to communicate more effectively with one another.

Navigating disagreements with your spouse is an important skill to learn early on in your marriage. You and your partner are bound to have disagreements. And that’s a good thing. If you agreed on everything, life would become boring. Healthy discussion is good for a marriage. But the key is to always keep it respectful. Try to keep an open mind and be a good listener when your spouse is explaining their side of the situation. Work together to come up with a compromise that you both can live with. And don’t just ignore the problem and hope that it will go away. Instead, address it directly and seek the support of a marriage counselor if you are struggling to overcome the conflict. Learning to disagree in a healthy way will serve you well and will make your marriage strong enough to withstand anything.